The other day I was reading my new morning "newspapers" Those being all the posts of my new blog friends! Let me add this is taking more and more time each day! My reading list grows daily, like grass.
It's interfering with my Preventive Cleaning Routine!
Soooo... Tuesday morning I decided to look up a couple of new sites. I was planning on going to the Expose' on Wednesday and decided I'd "read up" on the Panel. I know Sherry, but I didn't know that much about Lisa or Lori.
I found out that Lisa is the Atlanta Editor for Better Homes and Gardens and Traditional Homes. She was so gracious when she saw my name tag. She said, "Patty, I know you, you did the piece on Melanie".
Amazing! That can make your day!
I read that Lori has a wonderful, successful design business, she even WON a HGTV Design War!
Her post on Tuesday was about cleaning up clutter and accessories. That is something I am passionate about and I was really enjoying this post. About half way down, she had a photo of a room, from another Designer, that hit me in the face. I couldn't believe what I saw! There was a to die for console table with gold accessories. BUT THOSE ACCESSORIES...........OMG...Were my eyes seeing things????
There on the Blog was a picture with OUR THREE DANCING ASIAN GIRLS! Only they were gold and ours were a brass green..
Back in our previous life, when MC was an USAF Navigator he flew all over Asia. It was during the in the 1960's! I know most of you weren't even born! The "Wives" were left at home while our Fly Boys traveled the world. Jealous, are you kidding?? We were left to care for screaming babies, diapers and many, many trips to the Base Hospital with "emergencies" from high fevers to cuts and gashes!!! It was the period of my life that created the "Control Freak" I am today!
In return for our "Suffering" back home we gave our husbands LISTS of items that they were to bring back. Depending on the Country they flew into they had items they dare not come home, without! We had Lists for each Country! Needless to say that not only did most of us live in Base Housing....each exactly generically identical, but we also all had the SAME decor, (well-- stuff)!. Our lists were all the same! If a husband found something new and different, it didn't take long before it was added to our lists!
Most of these treasures today are scattered among our children.....the irony of this..our youngest son Steve, has many pieces,...pillow table, Asian folding screen and a brass tray on legs,(our coffee table for many years), just to name a few. He also has our ORIGINAL green elephants. The irony.....he's living in Seoul, Korea and his company crated all these things BACK TO ASIA!
OK I rambled a little.....
Here's the Pictures that hit me!

There they are!!!!!
While we're here I want to BRAG!!!!
circa 1969
Also you can see my wonderful "design" bookshelf displaying in it's early stages. This picture is priceless. Look at the furnishings .... orange shag rug, Danish Chair....Oh that lamp was from Japan. That is long, long gone! There are no words to add.