MELANIE TURNERA week ago, I had the wonderful opportunity in meeting Melanie Turner at the Atlanta Symphony Show House. Melanie is the Designer of the Dining Room in the Show House.
Our plans first were to go to the Show House in the middle of the week. Patti, my Daughter, was coming over the weekend and it dawned on me that she might enjoy going. So we changed our plans from the middle of the week to Saturday, the Opening Day of the Event.
Upon entering the Dining Room, the second room, to be toured, Melanie was standing there and graciously introduced herself to us. She took time to describe, to us, how she designed the room and the different elements in the space. It was Spectacular......One of the Most Glamorous, Classic Dining Rooms I have ever seen! An hour later, after touring the 20,000 square foot home, with too many rooms to remember, I decided to go back and share with Melanie, my feeling that her Dining Room was by far.... THE STAR!!!!! No other room compared to it!!
When I got home I realized that Melanie was the Designer who's work was featured on the Cover of the September issue of Veranda Magazine, and all the Glamorous rooms featured ....were hers. I flipped!!!! This particular issue has been inspiring so much of what I have been trying to do in the Bucket List House...from the arrangement of furniture, the placement of accessories, her use of color.....and ........a large part of the inspiration for the Christening Dress. I immediately sent her an email and told her my story. I mentioned that if I had any idea I was going to meet the Designer of the rooms I had been drooling over for months, I would have brought the magazine with me for her to sign!!!!!
Monday morning I received a reply...............Melanie invited me back....and she would love to sign my magazine.
This morning MC and I were there, once more. Melanie came and met us at the front door and took us in, as her guests.....I acted like a child in a candy store for sure, asked her to sign the magazine, take a picture AND if she would mind if I put a Post on my Blog about her. Her answer....YES TO ALL.
I AM SO, SO HAPPY !!!!Melanie has had a busy few years.
She did design work along with her husband, Stan Benecki of Benecki Homes. He mentioned to her that her work was as good as any he had seen in the Design business and she should "show" her work!!! Before long she had won the 2009 and 2010 Southeastern Designer of the Year Awards from ADAC, Architectural Digest Kitchen of the Year Award, and ASID Best Residential Award. She submitted her work to Veranda, to see what would come of it, Then one day, on her Birthday,
the call came. She would be featured in their September Issue.... on the
COVER and a feature story in the magazine.
and best of all .......Melanie is a lovely, beautiful, gracious gal......Thank you so much for letting MC and I visit with you this morning.
MY SIGNED COPY !!!Following are some her rooms that were featured in that issue.


LOVE....LOVE.....LOVE IT ALL.......
Thank you Melanie ..... YOU HAVE MADE MY YEAR....