Not Quite What the Song Was About......
I am taking a little "Literary License"! I have moved things around ...after getting ideas trying to fall asleep (with the lights out) !!! Nothing great or big, just enough to keep things "new" and "fresh"!




Kenneth mentioned on his Twitter site... (Yes, can you believe I follow someone on Twitter!) that it's almost Spring and he's getting ideas on changing his entire house!!! So, so, Kenneth and OH how I can relate! He asked for everyone to send him words "to be sensible" .....Not me, I wrote back and said "Sense...and take the fun out of life!" His philosophy is one reason I love his work! Always changing and mixing things up. I can't change the entire house, but moving an accessory here and there keeps me alive and feeling good!
The staff here at Patty's Epiphanies has a lot of projects in the works. Nothing I can show yet. Some will have to wait until April and May!!!
Master Carpenter is planning to build a Pergola in the back. We submitted the plans and they have been approved by the ARCHITECTURE Committee !!!! That's the first, and most important step! With the help of John DeRosso (and his truck), supplies should start arriving on "site" next week. Of course, I will follow the progress and keep everyone up to date on the work! Should be equal, if not top, the built-in unit! Maybe not as refined, but much larger!!!! Let's just hope Master Carpenter can survive .............
While on the subject of Master Carpenter....he must be bored waiting for the Pergola lumber to arrive, because he decided to do "finishing" work on the spaces where the sliding doors were removed. He has built new trim and will caulk and paint in the next few days. He's "designing" a way to connect the two flooring elements. The noises coming from the "SHOP" are very loud right now!!!!!!
Erica has two projects in the works......I do keep that girl busy!! It amazes me, she does have a life outside of my projects!!!! You should see what wonderful design work she did in the shoe boutique where she works. Her window display is fantastic. She's planning on adding some photos to her website.
In April, Patti, will bring me the first of her new projects. She has made four 20" x 20" throw pillows for the sofa. They are in two different black velvets. Erica did the shopping for supplies, so I will be "surprised" when they come. She finds the prettiest fabrics at her favorite sources and I trust these new pillows will be beautiful!
She is also working on a very special art piece. This one has a LOT of sentimental meaning. The seeds of this project were planted over the last couple of months. An art piece, pictured in a room in a magazine, caught my attention. It was a large, heavily textured, all white, canvas. If you looked closely, you could see the shape of a dress in the texture. It looked like something I knew Erica would love to tackle!!!! While we were visiting Erica and Adam a few weeks ago, I showed her the picture. Her eyes lit up and in a split second asked..........."Grandma, do you have a dress we could use, I think that would be a great way to duplicate this idea?" It took me just another split second to answer......"Yes, I have the perfect dress...will ship it to you and we can go from there!" What came to my mind, instantly, was a Christening dress. It has been in my Mother's family since the early 1900's! All the babies in her family were Baptized in this dress....including yours truly, my children, and the latest, my Granddaughter, Tess. The dress is now completely unwearable. The top is dry rotted! It has been mended and patched many times and yet, it remains BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!! Now, thanks to Erica, it will be preserved and seen by all who visit my home. The hardest part... I have to wait until May to receive it. She and Adam are visiting in mid-May and will carry it here with them.
So, dear readers, this has been the week here in "Senior-ville"!! Oh, I must relate one additional little "story"!
The other day as I walked through our great room, I noticed something different with our new chair ...IT HAD MOVED!!!
Now, all my original followers know what this means.............Yes, Bill is at work!!! He has been back since he inspired me with the Asian screens and I believe is still here!!! The reason he moved the chair.......( I MUST state that Master Carpenter refuses to believe this!!!!).... I found out that the Thomasville Outlet Store still has one of these chairs in stock! I think, and Bill agrees, it's the perfect opportunity to have a pair of these fabulous an unbelievable price!!!! So far, Master Carpenter, has won this decision.................
Welcome Spring this weekend and enjoy all your wonderful inspirations. Go with them.... What do you have to lose?