Our Dining Room needed something. At first I wasn't sure just what, and then the Epiphany hit me.
It was too "cold". It needed to be warmed up.
The windows. They had to be softened. Budget restraints drove the search. To make it doable both windows had to stay under $100.
I went on line and found the perfect solution, at a fantastic price.
White sheers less than $8 a pair.!!! They are 95 inches by 108 inches (two panels) Each window needed 4 pairs. Total under $64, and no shipping charges.
All the natural light pours in and it's airy and soft. Privacy a bonus.
Sheers.....................&.89 @8 $63.12
Rods ......................8.99 @2 $17.92
Tie Backs................3.99 @2 $7.98
Labor................................... FREE😊
GRAND TOTAL................$89.08
Mission accomplished and $10.92 under budget!
The Scullery: The Hidden Gem of Your Home
9 hours ago