CAN'T TURN BACK...............
I was asked by MC....."Now, is this your FINAL decision?"........
I didn't take a minute to say: "YES"....
After 4 different "looks", I finally figured out what is the PERFECT....#5 and Final, solution for the space over the fireplace! This has been a challenge since we moved in.
After every change to the room, that space required a different treatment. Everyone has voiced their favorites......not everyone agreed by the way. But each time I made a change, I certainly received feedback!!!!! No other aspect of the house has created as many viewpoints!!! AMAZING!!!

#3......THE CLOCK
If we went with this change..........SERIOUSLY..IT WOULD NEVER CHANGE, NEVER.... FOR THE LIFE OF THE HOUSE!!!! (That's MC speaking!!!)
I really had to be SURE.......
ve you figured out what I decided to put there???YES...... YES......MIRROR TILES!!!!!.FINALLY FOUND THE PLACE FOR THEM IN OUR BUCKET LIST HOUSE. No house of ours is complete without mirror tiles! It just took a few months to find the right place.
The design ......It went through many phases.
First the size....The measurement of the entire space .......... 66" x 48"
So our choices were:
3' x 5' ........3' x 4'......4' x 5.......or 4' x 6"
Did we want to frame it with one, or two frames?
..... What width......What color?
Did we want "Rosettes"?
and if so......what color?
For over a week we went back and forth discussing all the different choices.
Finally, we decided to position a row of tiles across the mantle and see what it looked like.
DECISION ONE SETTLED......IT WOULD BE THE ENTIRE SPACE.....66" X 48"The width of 66", meant MC would have to cut the edges of the side tiles. The height of the space is exactly 48" ! Perfect, no cutting on the top and bottom!
The plan was in motion.
The tiles come 6 to a box ..... 4 boxes...... Exactly what we needed. We planned on a thin frame, in gold, to outline the tiles...and we would have rosettes in all the corners, in gold!
MC has been working with mirror tiles since the Norfolk condo. He's an expert!!!
He figured we
might need another box. From past projects, he has found that there is always a broken corner somewhere in the box. He decided to use those for the side tiles that he was taking 3" off on each side....Hopefully he would not need to buy the extra box.
MC got off to a great start. He went through the first box, found one that had a broken corner, and proceeded to take the 3" off.....ONLY HE TOOK THE 3 " OFF BOTH SIDES OF THE SAME TILE !!!!!!
OOPS....................That economical plan went out the window! Back to store for the extra box!
He was able to put all the remaining tiles up without any more hitches. In fact they looked GREAT!!!! All the edges were even and perfect!!!!
IT LOOKED FABULOUSTogether the same time........we said "That's it......NO FRAMING....NO ROSETTES
I see the mirror looks absolutely amazing .....BUT.......I think I can improve what it reflects by 100%......We are in trouble......I'm having an EPIPHANY!!!!!!!I have the great idea of adding Crystal beads to the chandelier!!!!!!!! Like I did in the Dining Room. Actually there is another chandelier from Ballard Design that is very similar to the one we bought, with a lot of crystals. I would have ordered it instead of the one we was $200 more !!!!!
I dragged out my "bag" of left-over crystals, but there weren't nearly enough to do the job!
......... It didn't matter that we had a date for an Event at the Golf Club in a few hours.....this had to get started!!!!
I am at a
TOTAL loss in hobby stores. As much as I love to "design",
I can not do crafty projects!!!! We went from every "hobby" to "hobby" department of Hobby Lobby!!!! After walking through most of the store we finally found crystal beads that would work.... In the jewelry section. If I were crafty, I would have figured that out!!! We also found "wire" to string the beads. Oh this was going so no time flat it would be
MC and I went to work....being CRAFTY!!! He cut the wire and I strung the beads!! MC then tied them into place..... The first string went up great, no problems!!! Again ....I figure this is going to be a breeze.
We start on the second string....... there will be a total of 12 strings of 33 beads.
Second string ready to hang.......
OOPS....First string BREAKS......WE NOW HAVE 33 CRYSTAL BEADS ALL OVER THE SPECKLED TWIST CARPET!!!!!!! On our hands and knees we find 29 beads......
Back to second string....which in reality becomes first string. It's UP.
I shouldn't tell you this, but.......we repeated this three times, before we had two strings up!!!
Now's time to go to the Club.....We shower .....dress and leave!!!
We had a great time. We enjoyed a delicious buffet and then an evening of dancing to great music. We had a fun, fun time!!! Down to the YMCA!!!!!!
Back home by 10....we are Seniors......
The beads are all ready to work on...still many missing in the carpet.

there are only 7 missing beads to find.................................. and the cost... under $10!!!!!