Numbers, relationships of numbers..all this.... is so interesting to me. All relating to ORDER!!!
I imagine this fascination comes from my Dad who was a CPA, and a genius with numbers! He came by it from his Father and Grandfather, who by the way was the inventor of a Perpetual Calendar! I am very proud of that family fact!!!!
Getting back to TODAY.
Today is
November 25, 2011. It's the fourth Friday of this November.
Now, you ask: " So Why Is This So Special"
On November 25, 1955 I met
"My Honey".......AKA...
MC!!That November 25, was also the fourth Friday of that November.
The month of November in 1955 was identical in form to this November!!MC AND I MET AND HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR:
20,454 DAYS
490,896 HOURS
29,453,760 MINUTES
1,767,225,600 SECONDS
.......Oh..I LOVE the internet. What would I do without it!!!!
IN HONOR OF THIS VERY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY, MC FINISHED REFINISHING MY HOPE CHEST!!!On Christmas 1956, I received my Hope Chest. Exactly 13 months (as you all know, Christmas is December 25) after meeting MC.......He should have known he was Taken.......
I have been trying to figure out why the world looks so differently at "Young Love" today. A number of my friends fell in love with their future husbands while in High School. It wasn't that rare in 1955!!! Maybe it's because one's life span was not much over 65. To have a long life with your loved one, one had to start a little younger than you can today!!!! Just a thought!
Back to the Hope Chest......
It has had a wonderful life of it's own.
It was the only piece of furniture we owned in our FIRST APARTMENT!! The apartment came "furnished". We didn't buy any other furniture until we moved to California in 1962. Our Mobile home also came "furnished"!
During the years, before I gave (loaned) it to Patti in 1988, it was usually in our dining room. It also was a great place for the kids to hang their Christmas Stockings! The first few, of the 34 homes we have lived in, didn't have fireplaces......

Sorry Steve
, were due in one month !!!! were in your crib!!!!
In the 1960's I "antiqued" it green with one of those fabulous antiquing kits!!!

This picture actually was taken in the 1980's during MY COUNTRY PERIOD!!!
When Patti received it, that was it's finish. She, with the help of Erica, Maggie and her Mother-In-Law, refinished it back to it's original form, BLOND MAHOGANY, which was the big trend in the 50's or what is referred to today as MID-CENTURY!!!!
For some strange and unbelievable reason the tag that was attached to the inside of the chest is

It's fabulous.......So, so typical of THE DAY. Love it......these are the items every young girl had to have for her trousseau . To be honest, I can't remember if I was able to amass them all!
Last year, when Patti and Mark "trucked back" my 1968 sofa, they also brought my Hope Chest . .....I do have a habit of asking for some things BACK. Terrible, I know, but the family is very aware that when I discard "treasures"... they better keep them, because if they no longer want them.....I am apt to ask for them back!!! I have first dibs on items they are no longer using.
For this past year, I have been toying with how to refinish or redo the Chest. Last month it hit me.
Yes, right in the middle of putting together all the gold ornaments, I came up with this huge project for MC to get finished before December 4th. No pressure...."just please squeeze it in!!!"....
Last night we brought it into the
Dining Room....where else?
I love the New Look. MC outdid himself...once more!

Don't you just love the Lion Head hardware.......
ps......On January 25, 1956, MC and I officially WENT STEADY
On July 25, 1959 we were MARRIED
NUMBERS......LOVE 25!!!!