Yes, it will be a Christmas without a tree. Our little flocked tree, that we have had for six years, has passed into the world of memories...
Over the weekend we carried down all the Christmas decorations and THE tree, in it's large "tree" bag! Unzipped the bag, held our breath and faced the looked like a tired, old, bent over, tree...........covered in "dirty" snow!
NEVERTHELESS.....I put it up, lights and all!! Figured all the trimmings would make it come to life!
I hung a large flocked wreath, that I ordered last month in the center of the mirror over the fireplace. Then, I encircled the mantle with green garland filled with lots of white bows and silver balls. It looked "white" very white..... but that was the plan .....wreath, garland and tree ..all white and silver!! I went to bed thinking..this was a less than one evening all the house was done!
I entered the room the next morning and faced the fact that the entire room looked ridiculous!
The garland looked like an overdone Easter bonnet and the flocked wreath just made the tree look dirtier!!!
In no time flat the entire "decor" was down... all over the floor!!!!! So much for the fastest Christmas decorating job ever!
Then .....You guessed it............EPIPHANY.............
Ideas were flowing, fast, very fast.....Hung the wreath over the mirror tiles (where the tree had been), and added red ribbon from last year. Luckily had some left over. (I ordered white ribbon this year...silly me!) Then, as all my Epiphanies go..........figured out that if I took the tree branches out of the trunk and added them to the green garland .... maybe, just maybe, the flocking wouldn't look so "dirty". Now this wasn't easy....had to have Master Carpenter pull them all out with large pliers. He came to the rescue and I had all my branches ready to add to the garland.....along with lots of loose "dirty snow"..... all over the room!!! The branches filled in the garland without any trouble at all....easy as can be!
Things were picking up...I was getting was beginning to look pretty good. Added more of the red ribbon to the garland........ I was on a "roll"!!!
I wrapped my staged gift boxes with white paper and the remaining red ribbon. Placed them on the table under the wreath..............
Then, as I stood back I decided....................Christmas without a tree isn't so bad after all!!!