Where do I begin……the weekend was full of
GREAT family, love, and fabulous camaraderie….
The pictures only relate bits and pieces of the event. The real, feelings, and love are impossible to show.
Steve, Angela and Tess were the first to arrive on Wednesday afternoon. We had an old fashioned dinner, at home, that evening. It was perfect! Intimate and close….a great start to the wild events of the following days. Thursday, they rested and enjoyed the pool at the hotel. In the late afternoon, the five of us headed out for a “Farmers Market” that Steve was recommended as a MUST. We drove around for over an hour and finally found it. …..the peaches and tomatoes were worth the search! We then enjoyed an Italian dinner at a restaurant Emil had heard great things about. A very quaint setting and a great meal.
Friday the gang started to show up…..Bobby, Carla, Patti, Mark, Maggie, Happy, Pat, MK, and Max arrived!!!!! Everyone, except for Happy, followed Emil’s explicit directions. Somehow, Happy lost a page! We all connected and caught up with all our lives…. then the 14 of us headed out to “I Love NY Pizza” for …you guessed it…pizza.
Saturday, Bobby, Sue, Claire, Erica and Adam arrived……the BASH was officially started! We spent the day eating…………..hamburgers, cheeses, steaks, corn on the cob, grilled zucchini and egg plant, pasta salad, etc. PLUS…… the Wedding Cake AND………..A Special Birthday Cake for MK’s 18th Birthday………AND thoroughly having a ball!!!!
The day ended with a number of the family playing some fun, crazy, (very quiet) game, called: LCR.
Some side notes:
Tours on Kermit around our grounds were conducted for two days. Everyone enjoyed the ride and the scenery. Kermit is exhausted and is resting……..
For months…our “darling” children have plotted and planned a “This is Your Life” presentation. They had conference calls, individual calls, shopping excursions and mail-order duties…….and finally Friday and Saturday, rehearsals at the hotel! We were absolutely taken back with the entire, loving, though devious, event! I never knew they didn’t like Hamburger Helper (5 nights every week).. Or .. Taking out The Atlas, meaning their lives were about to be turned upside down with a new assignment, was their worst nightmare!
We also have some new items ..with more to come
Next week we plan to purchase a TV for our kitchen (thanks in part to a gift card). We need a larger screen because the one we have is a “little” small for our “old” eyes. Hey, going from 14” to 24” is a big deal!!!
In Oct/Nov we will enjoy a wonderful joint Birthday Dinner in a fabulous Atlanta restaurant… Have been drooling over the menu! That will be a special treat!
Believe it or not, we have created a new “room”
to our home. We had a screened porch with two chairs, now we have a ROOM with a sofa, coffee table, area rug, along with the original two chairs, herb planter and touches of color with flowers. Might get a fan…depends on whether Emil can tolerate the “draft”! He’s not a fan person. Usually feels uncomfortable when he’s under one. Believe it or not he has been known to wear a sweat shirt, with hood, in the middle of summer!!
We are able now to enjoying music with our iPod! We have it set up, with the speakers, so we both can enjoy listening to it . I actually have turned off Fox News during the day…….. And when we entertain, we can have mood music. How Grand!
To my complete surprise …Carla and Bobby were able to get back a very treasured and meaningful item of jewelry. It’s Emil’s VPI miniature Class Ring that he gave me on our First Anniversary …long, long story… but thank you for all your hard work and persistence. I am so happy to have it on my finger once more.
We have Erica’s new art piece!!!
Everyone was so, so, generous with gifts. We truly didn’t expect anything and received so much!!!!
(Even Kermit received some gifts!)
Thank you all ..we love you…..how about 2011 !!!!
9 Stunning Coastal Living Room Ideas
5 hours ago